ForwardBackward Algorithm (Part 2)


Previously we introduced Forward and Backward procedure and solved the first HMM problem. We also stated, that \(\alpha_t(i)\) and \(\beta_t(i)\) can help us in answering more complicated queries.

In this post we would like to provide solution for the second HMM problem, namely: What is sequence \(S = {S^1},{S^2}...{S^L}\) that could “most likely” produce our sequence \(O = {O^1},{O^2}...{O^L}\)?

This problem is also known as hidden states estimation.

Hidden states estimation

First, we may use Bayes’ theorem to estimate the hidden state at moment \(t\) given our observed sequence \(O\). Taken into account, that \((O^1...O^{t-1} \perp O^{t} \perp O^{t+1}...O^{L} \mid S^{t})\), we may write: \(P(S^t = i \mid O^1, O^2,...,O^L) = \\ = \frac{P(O^1, O^2,...,O^{t-1} \mid S^t = i) \cdot P(O^{t} \mid S^t = i) \cdot P(O^{t+1}...O^{L} \mid S^t = i) P(S^t = i)}{P(O^1,O^2,...,O^L)} = \\ = \frac{P(O^1, O^2,...,O^{t} \mid S^t = i) \cdot P(O^{t+1}...O^{L} \mid S^t = i) \cdot P(S^t = i)}{P(O^1,O^2...O^L)} = \\ = \frac{P(O^1, O^2,...,O^{t}, S^t = i) \cdot P(O^{t+1}...O^{L} \mid S^t = i)}{P(O^1,O^2,...,O^L)} = \\ = \frac{\alpha_{t}(i)\beta_{t}(i)}{\sum\limits_{i} \alpha_{t}(i) \beta_{t}(i)}\)

Hidden transitions estimation

Also, we may be interested in estimating a transition probability between two consecutive hidden states. We can derive the following equation: \(P(S^{t-1} = i, S^t = j \mid O^1, O^2,...,O^L) = \\ \frac{P(O^1, O^2,...,O^{L} \mid S^{t-1} = i, S^t = j) \cdot P(S^{t-1} = i, S^t = j )}{P(O^1,O^2,...,O^L)}\)

Let’s explore conditional independencies in a given HMM: full graph

We have following independecies (we still use \(\perp\) symbol instead of \(\perp \!\!\! \perp\) just for simplicity):

  1. \[O^1, O^2,...,O^{t-2} \perp O^{t-1} \mid S^{t-1}\]
  2. \[O^{t-1} \perp S^{t} \mid S^{t-1}\]
  3. \[O^{t} \perp S^{t-1} \mid S^{t}\]
  4. \[O^{t} \perp S^{t+1} \mid S^{t}\]

Now we can rewrite nominator as: \(\begin{aligned} P&(O^1, O^2,...,O^{L} \mid S^{t-1} = i, S^t = j) \cdot P(S^{t-1} = i, S^t = j ) = \\ = & P(O^1, O^2,...,O^{t-2} \mid S^{t-1} = i, S^t = j) \cdot P(O^{t-1} \mid S^{t-1} = i, S^t = j)\cdot \\ \cdot & P(O^{t} \mid S^{t-1} = i, S^t = j)\cdot P(O^{t+1},...,O^{L} \mid S^{t-1} = i, S^t = j) \cdot P(S^{t-1} = i, S^t = j )= \\ = & P(O^1, O^2,...,O^{t-2}, O^{t-1} \mid S^{t-1} = i)\cdot \\ \cdot & P(O^{t} \mid S^t = j)\cdot P(O^{t+1},...,O^{L} \mid S^t = j) \cdot P(S^{t-1} = i) P(S^t = j \mid S^{t-1} = i)= \\ = & \alpha_{t-1}(i) \cdot \beta_{t}(j) \cdot \omega_{i,j} \end{aligned}\), where \(\omega_{i,j} = P(O^{t} \mid S^t = j) P(S^t = j \mid S^{t-1} = i) = B_{j,O_t} A_{j, i}\)

Finally, we have: \(P(S^{t-1} = i, S^t = j \mid O^1, O^2,...,O^L) =\frac{\alpha_{t-1}(i) \cdot \beta_{t}(j) \cdot \omega_{i,j}}{\sum\limits_{i} \alpha_{t}(i) \beta_{t}(i)}\)

Simple and beautiful, right?


  1. L. R. Rabiner, “A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 77, no. 2, pp. 257–286, Feb. 1989, doi: 10.1109/5.18626.
  2. B.-J. Yoon, “Hidden Markov Models and their Applications in Biological Sequence Analysis,” CG, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 402–415, Sep. 2009, doi: 10.2174/138920209789177575.

Last update:16 May 2021